Whoa, Bikers! Cold and Dry

February 8th, 2012

I’m going to switch up the post order, putting weather and such at the end now. It’s been pretty repetitive, so I’ll put the variety up front.

Despite the misleading forecast for rain yesterday, the accurate forecast for slightly warmer weather seems to have gotten bikers out in droves. My operating theory is that they all stayed home Monday reflecting on the meaning of life (and what the Patriots loss means for them) and on Tuesday resolved to leave a better world for their children (and therefore use up their once-a-year bike ride to work). It was, however, a parade of terribly maintained bikes. My classic favorites were out in droves: rusted and gritted up chains, and deflated tires. Which brings us to my “enjoy biking” hint of the day (a two-fer!):

If your knees (as opposed to thighs or calves) hurt from pedaling, your chain needs maintenance. If the bike is painfully unresponsive to your pedaling, your tires need inflation.

Weather and clothing

The weather this morning was bracing, despite being a mild 24 degrees. My face was cold, but happily warmed up with riding and collar adjustments.

Temperature: 24 degrees

Road: Dry

Clothing: Heavy winter jacket, wool gloves, Timberland shoes, messenger bag

Comfort: My face and legs took a little while to warm up. It was definitely on the edge of needing additional covering in those places.

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